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Honda Civic fuel consumption

Of all Honda Civic modifications produced from 1995 to 2022 real fuel consumption according to user ratings is approximately 14% higher compared to advertised consumption. For petrol engines real consumption is in average 10% higher, but for diesel engines is approximately 17% higher. Starting from 1995 Honda Civic average difference between actual owner-reported fuel consumption and stated consumption was slightly above industry average, at 2010 it was similar to average, at 2012 difference became less than industry average and finally at 2022 difference between owner-reported and advertised fuel economy became significantly higher than average. It should be noted that the gap between advertised and actual fuel economy changed quite significantly across the entire automotive industry during this period. For more details, see the table below.

Year-to-year deviations of actual owner-reported average fuel consumption from advertised values

YearGasoline carsDiesel cars
All carmakersHonda CivicAll carmakersHonda Civic
1995+5%+7% +2%-
Show all years
1996+4%+7% +2%-
1997+3%+6% +3%-
1998+3%+5% +4%-
1999+3%+6% +5%-
2000+4%+4% +5%-
2001+5%+7% +6%-
2002+5%+9% +7%+8%
2003+6%+8% +8%+12%
2004+7%+7% +9%+16%
2005+8%+10% +10%+18%
2006+9%+19% +11%+22%
2007+11%+16% +12%+22%
2008+12%+16% +13%+20%
2009+14%+16% +14%+19%
2010+16%+16% +16%+19%
2011+19%+16% +19%+19%
2012+21%+16% +23%+20%
2013+23%+15% +27%-
2014+26%+15% +30%+32%
2015+27%+15% +33%+32%
2016+28%+17% +36%+32%
2017+28%+25% +38%+32%
2018+28%+29% +39%-
2019+28%+29% +37%-
2020+27%+29% +36%-
2021+26%+29% +37%-
2022+21%+29% +25%-

Select Honda Civic generation

For detailed fuel economy data, including advertised versus real-world fuel consumption and consumption differences between different engines and transmissions.

Honda Civic 2017 hatchback fuel economy Honda Civic 2014 - 2017 wagon fuel economy Honda Civic 2012 - 2016 hatchback fuel economy Honda Civic 2008 - 2012 sedan, hatchback fuel economy Honda Civic 2007 - 2008 hatchback, sedan fuel economy Honda Civic 2006 - 2011 sedan fuel economy Honda Civic 2005 - 2008 hatchback fuel economy Honda Civic 2003 - 2005 hatchback fuel economy Honda Civic 2001 - 2003 hatchback, coupe fuel economy Honda Civic 1998 - 2001 hatchback, sedan, coupe, wagon fuel economy Honda Civic 1997 - 2002 hatchback fuel economy Honda Civic 1996 - 2001 coupe fuel economy Honda Civic 1995 - 2001 sedan, hatchback fuel economy
User-reported fuel consumption may not accurately represent all users' experiences due to variables such as driving conditions, driving style, technical condition of the vehicle, and other circumstances. Thus, it should not be relied upon as a representative indicator.